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Adding a special touch to any event.

At World Class Events, we take events seriously. We pay great attention to detail in all the events we play a role in. After all, we want to help our clients create memories that last a lifetime.

Allow World Class Events to handle every aspect of your event from start to finish. We’ll take all your stress away and wow you with your vision come to life!

We offer the following services:


wedding couple

Your dream wedding can be made possible! We can do the exquisite design and planning for your special day. All you have to do is to pamper yourself before your much-awaited wedding. World Class Events will handle everything for you!

Corporate Events

tables and chairs

From conferences to seminars, we can plan and design any corporate events you ask! We have a remarkable team who can do a commendable work for your desired event.

Baby Shower

white chair

A memorable baby shower for your little pumpkin? Trust World Class Events to plan and design your baby shower exactly as you want it! What you ask, we deliver!


tables and chairs

Your years of pulling all-nighters and hard work deserve to be recognized! Plan and design your graduation party with us. We can help you enjoy a one-of-a-kind party with our exquisite team.

Sweet 16

tables and chairs with cake

Celebrate your sweet 16 in grandeur, fairytales, or any theme you like! We can turn your dream party into reality.

Let’s start discussing your event! Please set an appointment or contact us for more information.